You are 22 months old today. Sitting in front of me is a picture of you at 6 months old. Those eyes and that smile haven't changed on bit! You amaze me and frustrate me all at once. Bedtime last night was rough. Daddy left and met a friend which normally isn't a big deal. You always went to bed for me with no problems. I guess it started this morning. You actually got out of bed on your own and began making your way down the stairs. I met you halfway. I thought it was cute at the time. It wasn't so cute when you did it more times than I care to know in the span of an hour when it was already past your bedtime. I lost my cool about half way in. I could have definitely used a wing man.
Okay, enough venting!
I love watching your little brain work. At our Sunday morning breakfast spot daddy put some jelly on your toast. Of course you liked it, you eat PB&J. You began dipping your toast in the jelly and sucking it off. When your toast got soggy, you bit it off and started all over again.
You LOVE being outside and usually cry when it's time to come in. Sometimes I can convince you to come in minus the tears but it's usually 50/50.
You tend to yell in the car, just to yell for no apparent reason. This however, scares your brother and makes him cry.
You went from calling Cohen "Doe" to "Toe". I like to call him "Co" which is where your version comes from.
Your list of words is quite long. Some new ones include:
dip, help, you do, read, law and safe (I was explaining to you why you need buckled into your carseat)
You play rough and tend to make other kids cry. You're not being mean, you just don't understand the word gentle. We're gonna have to work on that.

Okay, enough venting!
I love watching your little brain work. At our Sunday morning breakfast spot daddy put some jelly on your toast. Of course you liked it, you eat PB&J. You began dipping your toast in the jelly and sucking it off. When your toast got soggy, you bit it off and started all over again.
You LOVE being outside and usually cry when it's time to come in. Sometimes I can convince you to come in minus the tears but it's usually 50/50.
You tend to yell in the car, just to yell for no apparent reason. This however, scares your brother and makes him cry.
You went from calling Cohen "Doe" to "Toe". I like to call him "Co" which is where your version comes from.
Your list of words is quite long. Some new ones include:
dip, help, you do, read, law and safe (I was explaining to you why you need buckled into your carseat)
You play rough and tend to make other kids cry. You're not being mean, you just don't understand the word gentle. We're gonna have to work on that.