Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Playing at the Park

We recently went to a local park that for some reason I hadn't taken the boys to this summer.

Ayden had fun playing with his cousins.

Shockingly they all looked at me and smiled!

Ayden fell off the bottom of this slide twice! I would have though he learned his lesson the first time. He crashed into Carter at one point too.

Monday, September 21, 2009

End of Summer Project

So we've had this composite decking sitting in our driveway for at least a year. I know, I know, totally hillbilly! We had every intention of re-doing our existing deck and making it bigger, it just took a really long time to actually get around to doing it!

Andy found someone off of Craigslist to build the deck and
I took on a small landscaping project.

I had a little helper!

The deck came out GREAT and for the right price! We couldn't be happier!
There are still a few minor details that need finished. Lattice needs put up around the bottom and maybe eventually a railing.

So far Ayden's favorite thing to do is jump across the deck.

And how cute is this table and chairs?!?
My mom bought them for Ayden's upcoming birthday.

Bedtime Battles are Gone!

I am happy to report that Ayden's bedtime battles are over!

He's been going down super easy and sleeping all night once again since the beginning of the month!

Ahhhhh, it's been so nice!

I took his childproof door handle off. He now comes downstairs all by himself when he wakes up!

When Andy or I put him in bed for the night, he goes into hibernation. Poof, vanishes under the covers. It's quite funny actually!

I don't even keep the monitor on for him at night anymore.

My little boy is growing up...

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

It most certainly has not been 2 weeks since I have blogged! You know since nothing new has been going on in my life...

I am so not procrastinating on planning Ayden's 2nd Birthday Party. Nope not me!
I have been planning for weeks...

There was not at least 4 loads of clean laundry piled high on top of my dryer this morning! I would never let our clean clothes sit there and get nice and wrinkled. And I wouldn't finally fold them and hope the wrinkles work themselves out! Nope not me!

I would never let Ayden walk around the house in just a diaper. Nope not me! He's always dressed and ready to impress.

I was totally not amused to see him walking around in said diaper with his shoes on. I definitely didn't help him put on his hoodie when he insisted on having it on. Nope not me!

What have you not been doing this week?

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Toddler Tantrums

Enjoying a Starbucks Smoothie:..

Throwing a fit about who knows what.
I decided to see the humor in this one and photograph it...