Cohen's first Birthday is fast approaching. He is just 3 days shy of 11 months old. For the past, oh, 4, 5, 6, months (I really have no idea) I didn't think I'd survive! Cohen is the complete opposite of Ayden. He is a total mama's boy. I know the day will come when he won't need me anymore and I'll miss it but right now, in the moment, it is hard. He wants nothing to do with anyone but me. And for the most part he is happy with me as long as he is attached to my hip. If I put him down on my terms and not his, he will let me know. Trust me! So many people comment on how happy, sweet and smiley he is when we are out and about. One lady looked at him and said, "I bet he never cries." "Oh, you have no idea," I said. Sleeping through the night? What the heck is that? I'd be happy if he only woke twice to nurse! He wakes up all night long. He wakes up an hour after he goes to bed like clockwork. And then every hour or two until I go to bed. And for what? A pacifier? To make sure I haven't left him? Oh and yes, I said until I go to bed. Andy doesn't even sleep with us anymore. He sleeps with Ayden in his room. Our old king mattress is up there on the floor for daddy and his boy to sleep soundly all night long. I feel bad. I feel like all I do is complain about Cohen. I love him with all of my heart but he is just so stubborn! I keep telling myself that by 18 months all of this should be a distant memory (or not so distant for me). Soon he will be happily, or so I hope, playing with his brother. I'd love to see him walk soon. Ayden was taking steps at 9 1/2 months and by 10 months had the walking thing down pat! Since Cohen spends so much of his time in my arms, I wonder when he'll take an interest in learning how to walk.

Yes, this sweet little boy of mine can make life quite difficult...
Yes, this sweet little boy of mine can make life quite difficult...