Today was Ayden's first movie theatre experience. I chose to go at nap time so that mamma's boy Cohen would be sleeping for my mom. I hoped he'd be asleep at least half the time we were gone. Turns out he was (and currently is) asleep. Nice!
I knew we were seeing it in 3D but when I said two please and the ticket lady said $20.50, my mouth fell open. Um, matanee? I pointed at Ayden and said shouldn't he be cheaper? She asked me how old he was and after I told her that he was two she said, "Oh he's free." Well thanks for asking how old he was before you tried to take $20.50 from me! Sam met us there with her 3 kiddos. I felt bad that she had to pay $40 seeing as how it was my idea to go and see the 3D one.
Ayden made it through half of the movie (maybe it was the mini m&m's I took for him) before he was all over the place.
"I have to pee."
"I have to poop."
"I don't want to wear the glasses."
"Carter, I have a boo boo, see it?"
We sat at the very top so it was a rather large row which in Ayden's mind meant that he didn't have to sit still. Sigh. After the last bathroom trip I told him we were leaving if he couldn't sit in his seat. He got up once and I let that one slide. We eventually made it through the movie. As soon as we got on the highway, Ayden was out.
Note to self: Maybe 2 1/2 isn't the right age for a movie or maybe it needs to be before or after a nap. I really want to go see Toy Story, we'll see...
(I cannot get this to center the way I want or space correctly between paragraphs!)