My poor little Ayden was sick on Monday. I heard him at 4am on the monitor and sent Andy up to check on him. Andy came down a little bit later looking for a thermometer and said Ayden was burning up. By the time he found one, Ayden was back asleep so we left him alone. He woke up for the day around 7:30. I went up to his room and he was still burning up. Andy took his temp. and it was 101.3. He was not a happy camper. He drank a cup full of his rice milk. He was so worked up that I was just waiting for it to come back up. It did, but it wasn't that big of a deal. I put some clean jammies on him (and me) and cuddled with him on the couch as much as Cohen would let me. Ayden was on the couch until 3pm that afternoon! This is so unlike him. He wakes up running! I monitored his temp. all day and it did start to come down. When he finally decided to get up, I gave in and gave him some Motrin to help the fever come down some more. He didn't even really need it and I wish now I wouldn't have given it to him. His body was already doing what it was supposed to do. Later that day, my sister came over with her kids and Ayden played with them for a little bit. He went to bed like any other day and slept all night. He woke up the next morning as if nothing had ever happened.
It makes me feel pretty good that his body got rid of whatever it was. Yay for Ayden's immune system! I really feel it is due to the fact that he eats mostly organic, is not downing gallons of cow's milk, and drinks water and not juice. I'm pretty picky about what goes into his mouth! He gets adjusted monthly and I always take the alternative, holistic way before anything else. This was the first time he ever had a fever like that too.
I am glad that he is feeling better! Sick kids break my heart!!!
ReplyDeleteI think it is awesome that you are so on top of your kids health! We are totally changing around Jaden's diet. He actually prefers dairy free milk. I was surprised! I did extended breastfeeding with him & he is a fairly healthy boy!
Yea for strong immune systems!!!! :)