Monday, June 29, 2009

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I most certainly did not scream like the little girl I am when Andy came home with the baby snakes he and Ayden were playing with the other day. Andy did not really have them in a Gymboree bag.

We did not head to the International Festival where they were scanning people with a metal detector at the door! Is that really a safe place to take your kids?!?! They don't do that at the Jamboree!

I am not the die hard softball fan that stayed at Andy's game yesterday through the rain. It was not their first win of the season. I mean really, who would have their 3 month old out in that? The mom with the 21 month old little boy who had a blast playing in the mud!

Ayden was defiantly not a soaking wet messy little boy who was wearing a mostly white shirt. I'm smarter than that, right?

I did not take my camera to the game only to realize that it had no memory card in it and the internal memory was full.

I did not have a sleeping Cohen in the Moby wrap with Ayden's hat on him, chasing Ayden around the fields for 2 hours.

Overall, I had a good weekend. Cohen is changing from a newborn to a baby right before my eyes. He was so good with all of the things we did this. Ayden, of course ran non stop ALL day yesterday. Can I bottle up some of his energy and save it for myself?!


  1. Yeah seriously I have never been "wanded" to get in to the International Festival. My roommate tells me there were rumblings on the street thus the precautions. He also told me they had no problems this year and everything went just fine. So maybe it worked? Who knows!

  2. I hate it when my memory card is full in the middle of something special. And just to confess, I would have screamed if my son brought home snakes too!

  3. Oh I love the worm story! It cracked me up! (I found you from MckMama.)
