Thursday, August 12, 2010

If I Tweeted...

I miss my bed! Good news: Ayden stayed in his til 6am; Bad news: I spent the night in Cohen's.

If I were a 16+ month old toddler w/a poopy diaper, I would not fight the person trying to wipe my butt.

Changing diapers one butt at a time for almost 3 years now...

My days at the gym have gone from 30 min. to 60+ minutes. Yay Cohen for cutting the cord!

Washed and swept the swagger wagon today. Too bad I don't know of any detail shops ;)

Watching American Choppers - this is so Andy, Ryan and his dad!

Eating Moose Tracks ice cream is not helping unwanted pounds disappear!

Does your butt ever really get used to a bicycle seat?

The DVD in the swagger wagon has gotten some use. Thanks Dora for teaching me Spanish...

1 comment:

  1. Cute Blog! I found you on, April 2009 Board. Check out my blog at

