Monday, June 29, 2009

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I most certainly did not scream like the little girl I am when Andy came home with the baby snakes he and Ayden were playing with the other day. Andy did not really have them in a Gymboree bag.

We did not head to the International Festival where they were scanning people with a metal detector at the door! Is that really a safe place to take your kids?!?! They don't do that at the Jamboree!

I am not the die hard softball fan that stayed at Andy's game yesterday through the rain. It was not their first win of the season. I mean really, who would have their 3 month old out in that? The mom with the 21 month old little boy who had a blast playing in the mud!

Ayden was defiantly not a soaking wet messy little boy who was wearing a mostly white shirt. I'm smarter than that, right?

I did not take my camera to the game only to realize that it had no memory card in it and the internal memory was full.

I did not have a sleeping Cohen in the Moby wrap with Ayden's hat on him, chasing Ayden around the fields for 2 hours.

Overall, I had a good weekend. Cohen is changing from a newborn to a baby right before my eyes. He was so good with all of the things we did this. Ayden, of course ran non stop ALL day yesterday. Can I bottle up some of his energy and save it for myself?!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Making Me Time (is there such a thing?)

Not really.

Monday I decided that I'd like to start running down my road. I run on the treadmill at the gym but I really need to kick it into high gear and shed some pounds. So I figured that this would just be extra points, right? I mean going to the gym two times a week does something right? It makes up for all the Hersheys Dark Chocolate Kisses that I consume on a daily basis, right?

Actually it comes down to me being lazy. The weight came off so much easier with Ayden...sigh...
I'm breastfeeding so I carry some extra weight for this reason, or so I've been told. I don't remember that being the case with Ayden. Of course he ate so much more than Cohen so naturally I was burning more calories.

Okay, getting off topic here.

So back to my run. I put Cohen to sleep and told Andy he could spend some time with Ayden then put him to sleep. I get out of the house. I get some Me Time and Andy gets to spend some extra time with Ayden since usually when 8pm rolls around I jump on that and get Ayden off to bed. Andy of course lets him stay up later. I have been referred to as the Nazi for that. Thanks Andy.

I return from my run (doing better than I thought I would) about 40 minutes later. Andy is sitting on the stairs going back and forth with Ayden who is in his bedroom.

Ayden: Daddy? Daddy?

Andy: Go to sleep buddy.

Ayden: Daddy? Daddy?

Andy: Lay down Ayden.

You get my point. This goes on for a while. Andy retreats to the couch. I'm on the floor stretching and all of a sudden I see Ayden's bedroom light flashing on and off. I tell Andy and we both start cracking up. So then Ayden starts laughing too becasue he hears us. At this point, I'm staying out of the process. Andy started it, he can finish it.

I'm now on the computer (surprise there!) and I hear Andy gasp. I look up and gasp too. Ayden came down the stairs, peaked his head around the wall and scared the crap out of both of us.

He proceedes to come down the rest of the stairs, walk to the patio door and let the dogs in who had been barking. Okay, time for me to step in and be the mom. I scoop him up, we kiss daddy and up the stairs we go. It's almost 9:30!!!! I, the Nazi, put Ayden back in bed with a quick song and some hugs and kisses then leave and shut the door (key point there Andy). He falls alseep shortly there after.

Tuesday went a little better. Ayden was actually asleep when I got back, Cohen, not so much.

We'll see how tonight goes...

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Playing With Photoshop

Honestly I have wanted to learn photoshop for a long time, I've just never taken the time to sit down and do it. Here is my attemp at bluring the background and doing an eye pop. Thanks to Simply Jenna for her inspiration.




This is me screaming!

Wait I've done that already today...

Easy button, easy button where are you????

Good thing I can start over tomorrow!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Sweet Savings, Sleepy Time and Searching

Sweet Savings!
So I went to Target yesterday for a few things. I didn't even use the "mom" shopping cart, just the regular one with Cohen in the basket and Ayden in the seat. It doesn't leave room for much shopping. Diapers caught my eye in the markdown section and being a mom of TWO in diapers I went to check it out. Mind you I had no intention or need for diapers or wipes at the time. The BIG box of wipe refills (7pk) was marked down to half off ($6.48) and I had a coupon. Needless to say I bought the only 2 boxes that were there. The $28.99 box of diapers was marked down to $20.28 and I had a coupon for this too. I was more excited about the wipes since I had just bought a 3 pk. at Giant Eagle for $6.29 (I stand corrected)! Such a mom thing to get excited about diapers and wipes enough to blog about it!

Sleepy Time!
I don't really pay too much attention to what time Cohen wakes to nurse and how many times a night. Does it really matter? Not really. He wakes when he wakes and as many times as he needs to. I nurse in bed and we both fall back alseep. All I know is, he's a way better sleeper than Ayden ever was! Anyways. I always start him out in his crib until he wakes for his first feeding, then upgrade to the big bed with mom and dad. He woke up around 2am. I fixed his swaddle and gave him his pacifier just to see what he'd do. He went back to sleep! Until 5:30! I was shocked. I don't expect this to happen from now on, but it was a nice change.

Ayden likes to take things that he shouldn't and place them in places unknown to me. Case in point. The nightlight in our bedroom. I saw him take it yesterday and didn't pay attention to what he did with it. He could have thrown it away for all I know. I searched and searched for it last night. In dresser drawers, bathroom drawers, kitchen drawers, his toy box, under the couch, you get my point. I couldn't find it anywhere! I'm sure it will show up after I've bought a new one like so many other things have. He can open doors now too. He likes to go out into the garage when I'm not looking or doing something with Cohen. Oh and he figured out how to open all the cabinents in the kitchen that have child proof locks on them! I can't win...

Monday, June 1, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I do not want to take Ayden to the park again and let him walk the mile long trail so he takes an almost 3 hour nap. Nope, not me!

I did not play with photoshop last night because I was inspired by Simply Jenna. Anyone who has photoshop knows that they would have done this months or even years ago!

I do not spend way too much time on the internet because it's my adult outlet in my world with a toddler and a baby.

I never do anything non-productive while my boys are sleeping. I always clean the house, do laundry or clean up poo in the backyard.

I haven't rearranged the family room twice in the last 2 weeks because I'm tired of looking at toys. Nope, not me!