Thursday, June 4, 2009

Sweet Savings, Sleepy Time and Searching

Sweet Savings!
So I went to Target yesterday for a few things. I didn't even use the "mom" shopping cart, just the regular one with Cohen in the basket and Ayden in the seat. It doesn't leave room for much shopping. Diapers caught my eye in the markdown section and being a mom of TWO in diapers I went to check it out. Mind you I had no intention or need for diapers or wipes at the time. The BIG box of wipe refills (7pk) was marked down to half off ($6.48) and I had a coupon. Needless to say I bought the only 2 boxes that were there. The $28.99 box of diapers was marked down to $20.28 and I had a coupon for this too. I was more excited about the wipes since I had just bought a 3 pk. at Giant Eagle for $6.29 (I stand corrected)! Such a mom thing to get excited about diapers and wipes enough to blog about it!

Sleepy Time!
I don't really pay too much attention to what time Cohen wakes to nurse and how many times a night. Does it really matter? Not really. He wakes when he wakes and as many times as he needs to. I nurse in bed and we both fall back alseep. All I know is, he's a way better sleeper than Ayden ever was! Anyways. I always start him out in his crib until he wakes for his first feeding, then upgrade to the big bed with mom and dad. He woke up around 2am. I fixed his swaddle and gave him his pacifier just to see what he'd do. He went back to sleep! Until 5:30! I was shocked. I don't expect this to happen from now on, but it was a nice change.

Ayden likes to take things that he shouldn't and place them in places unknown to me. Case in point. The nightlight in our bedroom. I saw him take it yesterday and didn't pay attention to what he did with it. He could have thrown it away for all I know. I searched and searched for it last night. In dresser drawers, bathroom drawers, kitchen drawers, his toy box, under the couch, you get my point. I couldn't find it anywhere! I'm sure it will show up after I've bought a new one like so many other things have. He can open doors now too. He likes to go out into the garage when I'm not looking or doing something with Cohen. Oh and he figured out how to open all the cabinents in the kitchen that have child proof locks on them! I can't win...


  1. Great Savings!!! I love sales & coupons combined!! I just recently found out that if something is BOGO Free, you can use two coupons for it! Super great savings! :)

  2. Giant Eagle is so damn expensive!! I started shopping at Super K because the price difference is astronomical!

    That's hilarious that Ayden hides your things!! I love it!!

