Monday, August 31, 2009

What's going on in the world of Jess

Let's see. I have been watching way to much Mickey Mouse Club House, Handy Manny and Sponge Bob. The first two I actually like. Sponge Bob, not so much.

I can function a thousand times better on lack of sleep compared to Andy.

I am looking forward to fall TV which means I better get caught up on my reading.

Currently checked out from the library:
Dr. Bob's Drugless Guide to Balancing Female Hormones
Bringing Up Boys by Dr. James Dobson

Currently reading:
The Happiest Toddler on the Block

Passed on to me from my mom:
Three NCIS books by Mel Odom

and from my mother-in-law:
A few Jodi Picoult books (author of My Sister's Keeper)

Whew, that a lot of reading! Good thing my two boys don't keep me busy!

My landscaping looks like crap. Somehow I always find other more important things to tend to.
Seriously, I do enjoy it, it's just that sadly it's on the bottom of my list of priorities.

There is always laundry to do, a kitchen to clean, toys to pick up, mouths to feed, butts to wipe, errands to run, pictures to take, and so on.

Speaking of pictures, I just got Photoshop Elements and LOVE it!!! It's very user friendly. I'm also selling on ebay again and am gonna try really hard to not spend the money that comes in and buy a new camera...we'll see how that goes...

Oh and I just realized that today marks my two year anniversary of leaving my 9-5 job and advancing to the 24/7 one.

I love my boys and am so happy to be able to stay home and raise them. It's frustrating at times but as someone once told me, "The days are long but the years are short."

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